Branding & Marketing

What’s included



This covers everything about how your company or service is seen by your potential clients. What it looks like, feels like, sounds like. It’s the first impression people have of your product or service before they’ve actually tried it.

It’s more than just agreat logo. It can be make or break.

So yeah, it’s kinda important.


Marketing is a multi-faceted area of your business but it’s essentially how you reach your potential, and existing, customers.

Think social media, newsletters, ads, content, offers, events, the list goes on.

And guess what? These days you can make more of it automated! Hurrah!


Recommended Packages

These services are specifically for small businesses who may not be able to afford a graphic designer at this stage. This is the perfect first step to get your brand & marketing off the ground.
My aim is to keep these affordable for you whilst still being able to provide fantastic value. Basically, creating kick-ass branding makes your life a whole lot easier. Trust me.

Brand Creation

This is a collaborative session where we work together to nail down exactly what your vision is for the business and how you want to be seen by your potential customer. 

We will pull together your values, your brand identity, your USP, your tone of voice, a basic brand kit - including fonts and colours, and you’ll end up with a really clear picture of who you are as a business.

This is so key for pretty much everything else that follows.

It means you will be able to create amazing marketing content that flows together seamlessly, you’ll be able to identify your dream customers and target them with ease.


Branding Refresh

Do you look at the logo you’ve got an wince because it doesn’t really mean anything to you other than your ex-partner made it on MS Paint 8 years ago?

Do you always get frustrated about what font to use so end up using 8 different ones for a simple Insta post?

Could you tell me in 3 words what your brand identity is?

If you answered yes, yes, no, then you need a refresh.

This is my absolute favourite session because we get down to the foundations of what you love about your product and service, then we bring it to the surface so everyone else can see and feel the awesomeness you’ve created. Oh and it makes marketing TEN TIMES easier!

Social Media Overhaul

Love it or hate it, social media is the greatest free marketing resource available to us right now. And we are very lucky to have it.

Now if only we could learn how to use it to our advantage… Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Annoyingly, social media is something that’s always come very easily to me - couldn’t have been blessed with a real talent FFS - so I can spot your errors and poor choices, then replace them with great decisions, shareable content and viral lols.

Just FYI… This is not a social media management service. I will share my wisdom & knowledge with you for you to create all the great stuff!


Marketing Strategy

You may have an established company or perhaps you’re shiny and new. Either way, this doesn’t always mean we have an amazing grasp on marketing but I’m guessing you’ve learnt by now this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT areas of your business?

I will take you step by step through the key marketing tools that are available to you, within your budget, and help you create the most epic marketing strategy that is easy to implement and will generate you tonnes of new enquiries.

“I have never been so inspired and courageous, and I honestly believe it’s your lion-like ways.”

— Jess, Reflexology Specialist


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